You can make a difference in our community


Sometimes, a person just needs tangible support to get through the dayYou can make a difference in our community.

Sometimes, a person just needs tangible support to get through the day. If someone approaches you for help, be prepared to respond with something useful. Consider asking them if they would like one of the following items:

  •  toiletries or practical care items, like a hygiene kit or travel size items
  •  packaged food items, like granola bars or bottled water
  •  gift card to fast food or grocery store chain
  •  clean T-shirt (in summer)
  •  gloves, scarf, knit hat, coat or blanket (in winter)

Be respectful: always ask if the items would be helpful, rather than giving someone something they may not actually want or need.

“The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

People's Republic of Midtown - Reno, NV

People's Republic of
Reno, Nevada

*This goes to our Amazon wishlist