Ways to Help

How You Can Make a Difference in our Community

We all have something that we can bring to our community. It is a good idea to connect with organizers already doing work in our community, find out what networks and services are present, and see how we can contribute to existing efforts. Follow mutual aid groups on social media. Requests from other groups are often boosted as well as requests from individuals in the community. This not only keeps you informed about what our local mutual aid groups are working on but can also alert you to other opportunities to contribute.

Donate money

Donating to funds for specific individuals as well as organizations that can use the money to purchase needed items for their community all help with immediate needs in our community. If you have the resources, many local groups (including us at People’s Republic of Midtown!) have Amazon wishlists that are constantly updated with what is most required by the community at the moment. 

Provide resources

Material item donations, such as food or cold-weather supplies, need to reach community members. This can be anything from distributing meals and blankets to getting supplies to community pantries and boxes.  

Offer your time

Volunteering to collect and distribute goods can be a hands-on approach for those who have the means to do so. Helping neighbors get to healthcare appointments, being an observer or helping move items during “sweeps”, or delivering meals to those in need at the motels or camps are all needed ways that you can help.

Leverage your skills

A variety of skills can be helpful to mutual aid efforts. Examples include donating time to designing graphics for social media, writing a press release, speaking up at local government meetings, or cooking for crowds. 

Links to local groups and resources*

Reno/Sparks Mutual Aid

Family Soup

The Reno Initiative for Shelter and Equality (RISE)

Food Not Bombs Reno

Our Town Reno Newsletter

*This list is a work in progress. If you have a group or resource to include, please contact us so that we can add it

Do you have information or resources to share?
Want to help?

People's Republic of Midtown - Reno, NV

People's Republic of
Reno, Nevada

*This goes to our Amazon wishlist